Join StoreYa's +200,000 Happy merchants that use our marketing and sales tools on a daily basis!
98% of your web store visitors abandon your store. 70% of them will NEVER RETURN. Exit Pop will help you convert those visitors into customers a second before they leave your store
Boost your sales by an avg. of 20%
Quick and easy 1 minute set up.
Fits any theme - no design or coding skills required!
Our "Exit-Intent" Technology tracks the cursor movements of every visitor in real-time. This technology detects the precise millisecond when a visitor shows intent of abandoning your site, and encourages them to stay and make a purchase.
We also offer Statistics to track the growth of your sales with Exit Pop's statistics panel. Conduct A/B testing in order to check out which offering brings back more visitors to purchase at your store.
14 days
December 3, 2023
This app may not be fully compatible with multi-location. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
14 days
December 3, 2023
This app may not be fully compatible with multi-location. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
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