About the App

ReferralCandy is trusted by 3000+ online stores to help you drive more sales through word-of-mouth marketing.

  • Why do all the hard work? Incentivize your customers to refer their friends… and unlock the channel that will drive your profits up.

  • Cash? Coupons? Your choice. Design your referral program the way you like it, the way you want it.

  • No coding skills required. Add ReferralCandy to your store and get your referral program started right away. 14-Day risk-free trial.


ONLY 29% of your customers are telling their friends about you… even though 83% of them are willing to do so.


Because most businesses do not have a referral program to help their customers spread the word!

… Which means you're losing sales every minute you do not have one.

Enter ReferralCandy.

Here's what we can do for you:




Custom Pricing:

starting from $47 / month


Last Updated:

December 5, 2023

This app may not be fully compatible with multi-location. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.


Installation GuideUser Guide
Contact Partner


Custom Pricing:

starting from $47 / month


Last Updated:

December 5, 2023

This app may not be fully compatible with multi-location. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.


Installation GuideUser Guide
Contact Partner

App Features

No Developer Needed - One Click Set Up

ReferralCandy works out of the box, and requires no developer input or code.

Full Branding and Customisation with our Theme Editor

Your brand, your designs - customise the look and feel from emails to landing pages to pop-ups

Full Control of Rewards and Incentives

Choose between cash rewards, coupon codes, or custom gifts. Automate rewards payout to customers to save time.

Five-Star Customer Support

Our amazing 5-star customer success team is online 24/7 to help you set up and grow referral sales.

14-Day Risk Free Trial

Start today - and try for the next 14 days, risk-free, with no charge.

Case Studies

Riff Raff & Co: Six figure sales, powered by Word of Mom

Emma grew her sleep toy store to six figures sales. Here's how ReferralCandy contributed to 35% of all sales.

Read their story

Critical Pass: Recurring Revenue growth for Bar Exam Flashcards

Nathan wants Critical Pass customers to pass the bar on their first go. Here's how ReferralCandy has generated year-on-year revenue growth since 2012.

Read their story

Customer Reviews

4.81 out of 5 stars with 32 reviews

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