Does your business use FedEx or UPS? Any domestic or express package (even ground) delivered even 60 seconds late entitles you to a full refund! Refund Retriever has been providing businesses with complete logistics visibility and savings through FedEx and UPS invoice auditing, reports and analytics, and contract negotiations since 2006.
Through Refund Retriever's sophisticated technology, shippers gain real-time insight when money is owed to their accounts – as well as clarity to their entire shipping spend. All programming and processing through Refund Retriever is done internally, allowing clients to confidently trust that no external parties will ever have access to their confidential information. We get refund credits on your account for the following:
Refund Retriever is strictly 100% performance based. That means you don't get charged for anything unless we confirm that you have refund credits on your FedEx or UPS accounts. Our only fee is a percentage of those confirmed refunds.
% of refunds
August 3, 2022
This app may not be fully compatible with multi-location. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
% of refunds
August 3, 2022
This app may not be fully compatible with multi-location. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
Reports and Analytics
Damaged Package Reports
Lost or Undelivered Packages
Accessorial Fee Summaries
Zone and Weight Breakdown
Potential Overcharges
Lower your FedEx and UPS spend today
FedEx & UPS Late delivered packages
Incorrect fees and surcharges
Duplicate charges
Service Discount Rate Benchmarking (Free!!)
Carrier Agreement Negotiations
Carrier Contract Negotations
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2020 UPS Rate Increases
UPS announced the 2020 rate increase that is going into effect on December 29, 2019. Incidentally, the 2020 UPS accessorial fees and charges are a large part of every shipper's weekly billing. Subsequently, the rates for UPS ground and air will all increase an average of 4.9%.
2020 FedEx Rate Increases
The 2020 FedEx Price Increase that will go into effect on January 6th, 2020. Express will increase rates by an average of 4.9% for domestic and international services. Ground and Home Delivery shipping rates will increase by an average of 4.9%. FedEx Freight shipping rates will increase even more by…
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